Hey there!

Welcome to my website.
Scroll through and learn more about me!

I'm an easily excited junior studying computer science at UC Berkeley.
Besides CS, I also have interests in just about everything, from film photography to algorithmic trading and even pottery. On top of that, I'm an aspiring SoundCloud musician and am working tirelessly on my latest LoFi Rap song.

Things I've Learned

Here are some of the classes I've taken so far at UC Berkeley.

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Discrete Mathematics and Probability
  • Designing Information Systems
  • Great Ideas in Computer Architecture
  • The Foundations of Data Science
  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Here are some things I've learned outside of class.

  • PCB Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Film Photography
  • Playing Recorder
  • The Power of Friendship
  • Comforting People
  • Typing Really Fast
  • Bad Jokes

Some Things I've Made

For some reason, I experience existential pain unless I build stuff.
To curb this, I work on useless and time-consuming projects constantly and here are a few examples.

Interactive Resume NPM Package

A published CLI app that displays the contents of my resume in a viewer's terminal and makes POST requests to my API. Viewers can also send me messages (because we all know that standard texting methods are outdated)

Uses Node.js, Inquirer, Chalk, and restdb.io.

Healthclear Web App

Healthclear is intended to increase healthcare transparency by providing options for every desired medical procedure. I tried to integrate as many APIs as possible, including the Google Maps API to draw maps and the Uber API to call rides.

Uses Python, Flask, BeautifulSoup, jQuery, Facebook API, Uber API, Google Maps API, and Snap Kit SDK.

Mobile Melanoma Tracker

A mobile app that uses computer vision to track the progression of melanoma. Since my partner only knew MATLAB, all the image processing software is written in it so I had to figure out how to run MATLAB code on a phone. I ended up running it in the cloud via Firebase.

Uses Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, MATLAB, Android Studio.

My Adventures

Contrary to popular belief, I do indeed have a life. Here's proof.

Not Satisfied?

Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more, want me to make something for you, or think I'm amazing/lame.

Here's a prize for you since you made it this far.